Identifying Controlling Spirits

In a world where spiritual discernment is crucial, understanding and identifying the spirit of Jezebel is important. This spirit, often characterized by manipulation and control, can subtly infiltrate various aspects of our lives. In this eRead, we will delve into the characteristics and manifestations of the Jezebel spirit, seeking insights to equip individuals with the tools needed to recognize and counter its influence.

How to Identify the Spirit of Jezebel?

The spirit of Jezebel is the highest spirit Satan uses. Jezebel is not a person or a specific gender, it’s a spirit. It can be housed in anyone that has an open door. The spirit loves a host that fears being rejected, feels abandoned, insecure, or inferior.

The spirit of Jezebel identifies weak leadership and loves to partner with them to lead. They don’t want/have to be in front, they just want to be in control. This spirit sifts out the weakness of the person in charge and tries to destroy them. It is attracted to money, influence, and fame. It wants the respect that a person in authority has and the power. If this spirit is not properly exposed or dealt with in a reasonable amount of time, it can destroy and bring down any person or entity.

Characteristics of the Spirit of Jezebel

Jezebel seeks to manipulate, dominate, and control. The characteristics are as follows:

  1. It seeks to gain favor and popularity with people of high influence and leadership.
  2. It seeks out weak individuals.
  3. It causes division amongst an organization or unit. It always has a hidden agenda.
  4. It does not operate in humility. Whenever the spirit receives praise, it always responds with false humility.
  5. When confronted, the spirit is very defensive and combative. It knows how to flip confrontation and make you think you are in the wrong.
  6. It does not submit to authority. The spirit will spread rumors about the leader or talk about the leader to people who have that leader in high esteem.
  7. It does not repent. It will never apologize or admit fault for a problem.

How does Jezebel enter:

How can the spirit of Jezebel infiltrate a person? How can a person be a Christian and still have the spirit of Jezebel? When a person has not had a deep encounter with God and has not been transformed, they can have open doors in which spirits can attach.

Jezebel is often passed down by the female gender. It can be in any gender, but it is predominantly in the female gender. It inhabits the female gender by way of deep rooted pain, because women tend to carry and live out of their emotions.


Open doors to the Spirit of Jezebel include:

1. The Occult – this includes magic, palm readers, witchcraft, horoscopes, and astrology. When individuals partake in these activities they open the door to the spirit of Jezebel.
2. Rejection – the absence of affirmation, presence, teaching, and attention during childhood (specifically ages 2-12) can leave individuals open to the spirit of Jezebel. This leaves the child with a void and feeling unwanted.
3. Dysfunction in the family – anytime there was extreme control by a female in the home, that was the spirit of Jezebel. The man should be the authority of the home. Jezebel is masterful at emasculating a man.
4. Unforgiveness Issues
5. Jealousy/Insecure
6. Unresolved emotional pain
7. Molestation
8. Incest

You must confront Jezebel head on. If there is no extreme repentance, do not stay in relationship with anyone operating in that spirit. The manifestation of Jezebel threatens your physical nature.

Click to learn more about the Spirit ofJezebel from Dr. Gabriel Allen Powell at Encounter Atlanta.

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