How To Overcome a Controlling Relationship
In the quest for spiritual victory, overcoming the influence of the Jezebel spirit stands as a major challenge. Recognized for its tactics of manipulation and control, this spirit can hinder personal growth and disrupt relationships. In this eRead, we provide strategies and insights aimed at overcoming the grip of the spirit of Jezebel.
Understanding the Traits of Jezebel
In order to overcome the spirit of Jezebel, you need to understand the traits, characteristics, and tactics.
1. Rebellion – Jezebel hates submission and loves rebellion.
2. Hatred & Disdain for Men – Jezebel will let you coach them but not teach them. They crave to emasculate a man.
3. Manipulation & Control – Jezebel always wants to know what you are doing and where you are. They will retreat and hold resources if you do not give them what they want.
4. Abusive – Jezebel is emotionally and physically abusive. They don’t have anger problems, they just want to intimidate their prey.
5. Ambitious for Power
6. Extremely Independent – Jezebel hates leadership and cannot fathom teamwork. The spirit is deeply rooted in pride.
Characteristics of Ahab vs. Jezebel
- Too Lenient vs Too Harsh – Ahab overlooks toxic and controlling behavior and never confronts it. The spirit allows misbehavior, disrespect, and dishonor and never says anything. They allow manipulation and know the truth, but will never stand up to the person.
- Walking away from a person vs. Walking all over a person – Ahab is afraid of confrontation and always walks away. They have the mentality of “they are going to get theirs,” or “ God will fight my battles,” all as excuses to avoid conflict at all cost.
- Avoiding confrontation vs in your face confrontation – Ahab always avoids confrontation. Jezebel always causes conflict and can be mentally, verbally, and/or physically abusive.
- Peace at all cost vs. Extreme conflict – Ahab will do whatever they have to do to keep peace, even if it causes a negative impact on others. Ahab will take the blame for making Jezebel angry or act out. Jezebel wants to stir up fear in Ahab, so that they never leave.
How to break the spirit of Jezebel:
You have to pray and ask God to give you the courage and confidence to confront the spirit. You cannot pray Jezebel out. It can only be dealt with through confrontation. Jezebel has to be given the opportunity to repent and if they don’t you have legal authority to kick them out.
How to get delivered from a parent operating under the spirit of Jezebel:
1. Totally detach from that spirit. Stand your ground and don’t let them suck you back in. Their statements are meant to make you feel guilty.
2. Confront them. Let them know that they will not control and manipulate you. Pray that God gives you the courage and stamina to confront because you can’t pray Jezebel out.
3. Run to the altar and start the process of repentance and deliverance. You may not be able to identify it in yourself.
Note: Jezebel can become silent, engage in fits of rage, or cry in order to distract or deflect from the confrontation. Do not fall for it.
Click to learn more about Overcoming the Spirit ofJezebel from Dr. Gabriel Allen Powell at Encounter Atlanta.
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